Expenses and compensation

View management expense ratios, trailers and front-load commissions for all unit series of Capital Group Funds (Canada).


paid by


Canadian Focused Equity
Series A CIF 849 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $500 0.03% 1.97%
Series D CIF 839 N/A None N/A 0.25% $500 0.03% 1.20%
Series F CIF 829 N/A None N/A None $500 0.03% 0.85%
Global Equity
Series A CIF 843 CIF 18434 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $500 0.04% 1.90%
Series D CIF 833 CIF 18334 None N/A 0.25% $500 0.04% 1.14%
Series F CIF 823 CIF 18234 None N/A None $500 0.04% 0.81%
Series T4 CIF 8843 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $5,000 0.04% 1.91%
Series F4 CIF 8823 N/A None N/A None $5,000 0.04% 0.81%
International Equity
Series A CIF 846 CIF 18464 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $500 0.06% 1.96%
Series D CIF 836 CIF 18364 None N/A 0.25% $500 0.06% 1.21%
Series F CIF 826 CIF 18264 None N/A None $500 0.06% 0.86%
U.S. Equity
Series A CIF 847 CIF 18474 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $500 0.02% 1.88%
Series D CIF 837 CIF 18374 None N/A 0.25% $500 0.02% 1.16%
Series F CIF 827 CIF 18274 None N/A None $500 0.02% 0.80%
Capital Income Builder
Series A CIF 143 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $500 0.05% 2.04%
Series F CIF 123 N/A None N/A None $500 0.05% 0.94%
Series T4 CIF 8143 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $5,000 0.05% 2.09%
Series F4 CIF 8123 N/A None N/A None $5,000 0.05% 0.95%
Series AH CIF 8243 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $500 0.05% 2.15%
Series FH CIF 8223 N/A None N/A None $500 0.05% 1.01%
Emerging Markets Total Opportunities
Series A CIF 842 CIF 18424 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $500 0.03% 2.12%
Series D CIF 832 CIF 18324 None N/A 0.25% $500 0.03% 1.38%
Series F CIF 822 CIF 18224 None N/A None $500 0.03% 1.02%
Series T4 CIF 8842 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $5,000 0.03% 2.16%
Series F4 CIF 8822 N/A None N/A None $5,000 0.03% 1.03%
Global Balanced
Series A CIF 840 CIF 18404 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $500 0.03% 1.86%
Series F CIF 820 CIF 18204 None N/A None $500 0.03% 0.77%
Series T4 CIF 8840 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $5,000 0.03% 1.88%
Series F4 CIF 8820 N/A None N/A None $5,000 0.03% 0.77%
Monthly Income Portfolio
Series A CIF 540 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $500 0.04% 2.06%
Series F CIF 520 N/A None N/A None $500 0.04% 0.97%
Series T4 CIF 8540 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 1.00% $5,000 0.04% 2.07%
Series F4 CIF 8520 N/A None N/A None $5,000 0.04% 0.97%
Canadian Money Market
Series A CIF 545 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 0.25% $500 N/A 0.64%5
Series F CIF 525 N/A None N/A None $500 N/A 0.36%5
Canadian Core Plus Fixed Income
Series A CIF 841 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 0.50% $500 0.03% 1.15%
Series F CIF 821 N/A None N/A None $500 0.03% 0.61%
Multi-Sector Income
Series A CIF 544 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 0.50% $500 0.08%6 1.21%
Series F CIF 524 N/A None N/A None $500 0.08%6 0.64%
Series T4 CIF 8544 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 0.50% $5,000 0.08%6 1.21%
Series F4 CIF 8524 N/A None N/A None $5,000 0.08%6 0.64%
Series A(US$)7 N/A CIF 72447 0%-2.5% Investor 0.50% $500 0.04% 1.21%
Series F(US$)7 N/A CIF 72247 None N/A None $500 0.04% 0.64%
World Bond
Series A CIF 140 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 0.50% $500 0.02% 1.21%
Series F CIF 120 N/A None N/A None $500 0.02% 0.70%
Series AH CIF 8240 N/A 0%-2.5% Investor 0.50% $500 0.02% 1.23%
Series FH CIF 8220 N/A None N/A None $500 0.02% 0.74%

For advisor use only. Not for use with investors. Please read the fund prospectus for full details.

1 Trailing commissions are paid at an annualized rate, based on the date of investment. Trailing commissions are reflected in the MER.

2 The trading expense ratio represents total commissions and other portfolio transaction costs expressed as an annualized percentage of daily average net assets attributable to holders of redeemable units for the 12-month period ended December 31, 2023.

3 Capital Group, at its discretion, currently waives some of its management fees or absorbs some expenses of certain Capital Group funds. Such waivers and absorptions may be terminated at any time, but can be expected to continue for certain portfolios until such time as such funds are of sufficient size to reasonably absorb all management fees and expenses incurred in their operations.

The management expense ratios for the portfolios are based on audited total expenses for the 12-month period ended December 31, 2023, and are expressed as an annualized percentage of daily average net assets during the period. Actual MERs may vary. The following lists the management expense ratio for the following Capital Group Funds (Canada) before waivers or absorptions for the 12-month period ended December 31, 2023:

  Series A Series D Series F Series T4 Series F4 Series AH Series FH Series A(US$) Series F(US$)
Canadian Focused Equity 1.97% 1.20% 0.85% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Global Equity 1.90% 1.14% 0.81% 1.91% 0.81% N/A N/A N/A N/A
International Equity 1.96% 1.21% 0.86% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
U.S. Equity 1.88% 1.16% 0.81% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Capital Income Builder 2.04% N/A 0.94% 2.09% 0.95% 2.15% 1.01% N/A N/A
Emerging Markets Total Opportunities 2.12% 1.38% 1.02% 2.16% 1.03% N/A N/A N/A N/A
Global Balanced 1.86% N/A 0.77% 1.88% 0.77% N/A N/A N/A N/A
Monthly Income Portfolio 2.06% N/A 0.97% 2.07% 0.97% N/A N/A N/A N/A
Canadian Money Market N/A5 N/A N/A5 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Canadian Core Plus Fixed Income 1.15% N/A 0.61% N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Multi-Sector Income 1.21% N/A 0.64% 1.21% 0.64% N/A N/A 1.21% 0.64%
World Bond 1.21% N/A 0.70% N/A N/A 1.23% 0.74% N/A N/A

4 The ability to purchase certain Capital Group Funds (Canada) in U.S. dollars is offered as a convenience for investors who wish to purchase and sell in U.S. dollars and does not act as a currency hedge between the Canadian and U.S. dollars.

Capital Group Canadian Money Market FundTM (Canada) commenced operations on May 31, 2024. MERs shown are estimates only; actual MERs may vary. Capital Group, at its discretion, currently waives some of its management fees or absorbs some expenses of certain Capital Group funds. Such waivers and absorptions may be terminated at any time, but can be expected to continue for certain portfolios until such time as such funds are of sufficient size to reasonably absorb all management fees and expenses incurred in their operations.

6 The trading expense ratio for the Multi-Sector Income CAD series includes derivative transaction costs relating to the currency hedging. While these costs may fluctuate from time to time, it is anticipated to be no higher than 5 bps, or 0.05%.

7 The US$ series of Multi-Sector Income are intended for investors who wish to be exposed to U.S. dollar currency.

This content is confidential and designed for the exclusive use of registered dealers and their representatives. Canadian securities legislation, including National Instrument 81-102, prohibits its distribution to investors, potential investors or the general public. It is not intended to be a sales communication, as defined in the Instrument, and has not been designed to comply with its requirements relating to sales communications.

For informational purposes only; not intended to provide tax, legal or financial advice. We assume no liability for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon. The information contained herein has been supplied without verification and may be subject to change.

Capital Group funds are offered in Canada by Capital International Asset Management (Canada), Inc., part of Capital Group, a global investment management firm originating in Los Angeles, California in 1931. Capital Group manages equity assets through three investment groups. These groups make investment and proxy voting decisions independently. Fixed income investment professionals provide fixed income research and investment management across the Capital organization; however, for securities with equity characteristics, they act solely on behalf of one of the three equity investment groups.

Information as of May 31, 2024, unless otherwise specified.

The Capital Group funds offered on this website are available only to Canadian residents.