Regardless of your brand’s maturity level, start by uncovering the most important aspects of your brand. This includes defining the “why” behind what you do and seeing your practice from a client’s point of view.
The process of defining your ideal client is less about hypothetical perfection than about identifying a set of business-boosting characteristics among the investors you serve. This client segmentation process can shape your brand as well.
As an example of focusing on one type of client, hear two advisors describe their “for women, by women” approach to helping clients tackle life transitions, such as selling a business, going through a divorce, retiring or being recently widowed.
Watch Practice Management Consultant Paul Cieslik’s engaging presentation, offering specific ideas to bring your brand promise to life — online, in person and at every touchpoint.
These five digital marketing essentials can help you increase brand awareness, gain authority, deepen engagement and convert more prospects into clients.
As an initial digital marketing move, take a look at whether your website is optimized to attract prospects and engage existing clients. These five ideas can help you get started.
Creating helpful, relevant content is one way to draw quality visitors to your site. Even if you’ve tried content in the past, we offer ideas to help you take the next steps.
Listen to one advisor discuss his experience learning the ins and outs of digital marketing, including mistakes made along the way and how he’s evolved to garner thousands of qualified leads on his website.
You might also get a marketing boost by expanding your target client base and finding ways to meet women where they are. For example, where women turn for financial advice differs greatly depending on age, wealth, race and other factors.
Some financial professionals find that simply bringing younger generations into the practice helps to broaden the marketing reach. Hear how one family-based practice is experimenting with different strategies.
Yes, it is possible to find and engage new clients online — if you can attract them to your content or website. Here’s why paying attention to search engine optimization (SEO) can help.
How can financial professionals use LinkedIn to find and reach prospects who fit their ideal client profile? Watch this live demonstration to see for yourself.
For advisors looking to build their female client base, hear tips on how to provide them with the services they seek.
Another great way to prospect is to target certain types of investors who may need your help. For example, anyone holding concentrated stock may have planning needs that you are well positioned to address.
Some advisors work with specific companies, getting to know the retirement benefits so they can prospect for clients among employees. Hear how two top advisors use seminars and employee education to pull prospects into retirement conversations.