Multiple plan solutions make it easy to scale your practice and meet your clients’ needs.
How our plan solutions can help you earn more business.
Capital Group’s retirement plan solutions are scaled to fit a range of clients.
401(K) PLANS
* Source: Escalent, Cogent Syndicated Retirement Plan Advisor TrendsTM, October 2024. Methodology: 411 financial advisors managing defined contribution (DC) plans participated in a web survey conducted September 9 to 17, 2024. For “Ownership” of Core Brand Attributes — Tier 1, among 195 advisors with less than $50 million in DC plan assets under management, Capital Group/American Funds was selected most often in response to the question, “Which — if any — of these DC plan providers are described by this statement ... ‘Best-in-class advisor service and support’?” Capital Group has provided input on some of the questions to be included in Cogent surveys over time. Additionally, Capital Group made a subscription investment to Cogent Syndicated to access a detailed version of the Retirement Plan Advisor Trends report.