Capital Group ESG policy statement



We believe the analysis of material environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues as a part of our fundamental research can help us better understand long-term risks and opportunities for investors.


  • Proprietary sector-specific research and investment frameworks help our investment professionals assess ESG data and metrics that they have deemed to be material.
  • We monitor our corporate equity, bond and sovereign holdings against available data from third-party providers to surface third-party views of potentially material ESG risks, as well as issuers that may be in violation of international norms.
  • We have a detailed, case-by-case approach to engagement, which can help provide our investment professionals with a better understanding of management teams, strategies and stances on key issues.


ESG policy statement

Download our ESG policy statement to learn more about how we integrate material ESG risks and opportunities into our investment approach, The Capital System™.


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