$495.0 billion in multi-asset solutions under management
American Funds Model Portfolios received "Gold" Medalist Ratings from Morningstar1
underlying funds were recognized among the Morningstar "Thrilling 36"2
Among the most recognized for third-party models and asset allocation3
Assets under management as of December 31, 2024. Morningstar affirmed the Medalist Ratings in 2024 based on qualitative and quantitative factors which are monitored and reevaluated at least every 14 months. Capital Group paid a licensing fee to publish the ratings data. Capital Group also commissioned A Material Company to conduct a survey of registered financial advisors during Q4 2023, in which respondents were asked to identify leaders in portfolio construction, models and multi-asset investing.
We find investor goals typically fall under building wealth, spending wealth or preserving wealth. Within those broad goals are more specific investment objectives. The mix of objectives targeted differs in each model, depending on what it is trying to achieve.
A model’s success in achieving its goal is defined by a mix of quantitative investment metrics that go beyond simply excess return or standard deviation.
Advisory services offered through Capital Research and Management Company (CRMC) and its RIA affiliates.
Investments are not FDIC-insured, nor are they deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any other entity, so they may lose value.
1Capital Group has paid Morningstar a licensing fee to access and publish its ratings data. ©2025 Morningstar, Inc. All rights reserved.
The model ratings mentioned above are based on forward-looking qualitative assessments as well as select quantitative data through June 30, 2024 for the core models and September 30, 2024 for the Retirement Income models, respectively. No share classes were directly cited for the ratings upgrades, but Morningstar's reports include mentions of the F-2 share class as examples. Gold medalist ratings (100% analyst-rated) were reaffirmed as of 08/13/2024 for the following model portfolios: American Funds Global Growth Model Portfolio, American Funds Growth Model Portfolio, American Funds Growth and Income Model Portfolio, American Funds Moderate Growth and Income Model Portfolio and American Funds Conservative Growth and Income Model Portfolio. Gold medalist ratings (100% analyst-rated) were reaffirmed as of 07/19/2024 for the following model portfolios: American Funds Tax Aware Growth and Income Model Portfolio, American Funds Tax Aware Moderate Growth and Income Model Portfolio, American Funds Tax Aware Conservative Growth and Income Model Portfolio, American Funds Tax Aware Moderate Income Model Portfolio and American Funds Tax Aware Conservative Income Model Portfolio. Gold medalist ratings (100% analyst-rated) were reaffirmed as 1/14/25 and 1/15/25, for the American Funds Retirement Income - Moderate and the American Funds Retirement Income - Enhanced, respectively.
The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete, or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. The Morningstar Medalist Rating™ is the summary expression of Morningstar’s forward-looking analysis of investment strategies as offered via specific vehicles using a rating scale of Gold, Silver, Bronze, Neutral, and Negative. The Medalist Ratings indicate which investments Morningstar believes are likely to outperform a relevant index or peer group average on a risk-adjusted basis over time. Investment products are evaluated on three key pillars (People, Parent, and Process) which, when coupled with a fee assessment, forms the basis for Morningstar’s conviction in those products’ investment merits and determines the Medalist Rating they’re assigned. Pillar ratings take the form of Low, Below Average, Average, Above Average, and High. Pillars may be evaluated via an analyst’s qualitative assessment (either directly to a vehicle the analyst covers or indirectly when the pillar ratings of a covered vehicle are mapped to a related uncovered vehicle) or using algorithmic techniques. Vehicles are sorted by their expected performance into rating groups defined by their Morningstar Category and their active or passive status. When analysts directly cover a vehicle, they assign the three pillar ratings based on their qualitative assessment, subject to the oversight of the Analyst Rating Committee, and monitor and reevaluate them at least every 14 months. When the vehicles are covered either indirectly by analysts or by algorithm, the ratings are assigned monthly. For more detailed information about these ratings, including their methodology, please go to global.morningstar.com/managerdisclosures/. The Morningstar Medalist Ratings are not statements of fact, nor are they credit or risk ratings. The Morningstar Medalist Rating (i) should not be used as the sole basis in evaluating an investment product, (ii) involves unknown risks and uncertainties which may cause expectations not to occur or to differ significantly from what was expected, (iii) are not guaranteed to be based on complete or accurate assumptions or models when determined algorithmically, (iv) involve the risk that the return target will not be met due to such things as unforeseen changes in management, technology, economic development, interest rate development, operating and/or material costs, competitive pressure, supervisory law, exchange rate, tax rates, exchange rate changes, and/or changes in political and social conditions, and (v) should not be considered an offer or solicitation to buy or sell the investment product. A change in the fundamental factors underlying the Morningstar Medalist Rating can mean that the rating is subsequently no longer accurate.
2Source: Morningstar, "The Thrilling 36" by Russel Kinnel, August, 2024. Morningstar`s screening took into consideration expense ratios, manager ownership, returns over manager`s tenure, and Morningstar Risk, Medallist and Parent ratings. The universe was limited to share classes accessible to individual investors with a minimum investment no greater than $50,000 and did not include funds of funds. Class A shares were evaluated for American Funds. Visit morningstar.com for more details. The funds named to the list were American Balanced Fund, American Mutual Fund, Capital Income Builder, The Growth Fund of America, The Income Fund of America, The New Economy Fund and New Perspective Fund. Not all funds are in all models or portfolio strategies.
3Source: Cogent Syndicated (December 2024) Advisor Use of Model Portfolios and Separately Managed Accounts: Examining the competitive landscape for third-party model providers and asset managers. Web survey, conducted between September 24 and October 7, 2024, of 396 registered financial advisors who have an active book of business of at least $5 million in AUM across five channels, with an average AUM of $289 million and median AUM of $99 million. Survey questions: Assume you were considering investing client assets in model portfolios. Which firm’s third-party models (asset managers and/or turnkey asset management programs) would you be most likely to consider? Which company or companies are described by this statement: Is a leader in asset allocation? Capital Group compensated Cogent for access to this report and to license its content for use herein.
Model portfolios are provided to financial intermediaries who may or may not recommend them to clients. The portfolios consist of an allocation of funds for investors to consider and are not intended to be investment recommendations. The portfolios are asset allocations designed for individuals with different time horizons, investment objectives and risk profiles. Allocations may change and may not achieve investment objectives. If a cash allocation is not reflected in a model, the intermediary may choose to add one. Capital Group does not have investment discretion or authority over investment allocations in client accounts. Rebalancing approaches may differ depending on where the account is held. Investors should talk to their financial professional for information on other investment alternatives that may be available. In making investment decisions, investors should consider their other assets, income and investments. Visit capitalgroup.com for current allocations.
Model portfolios are subject to the risks associated with the underlying funds in the model portfolio. Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses of the funds in the model portfolio, which are contained in the fund prospectuses. Investing outside the United States involves risks, such as currency fluctuations, periods of illiquidity and price volatility. These risks may be heightened in connection with investments in developing countries. Smaller company stocks entail additional risks, and they can fluctuate in price more than larger company stocks. The return of principal for bond bonds and for funds with significant underlying bond holdings is not guaranteed. Fund shares are subject to the same interest rate, inflation and credit risks associated with the underlying bond holdings. Lower rated bonds are subject to greater fluctuations in value and risk of loss of income and principal than higher rated bonds. Investments in mortgage-related securities involve additional risks, such as prepayment risk. The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. A nondiversified fund has the ability to invest a larger percentage of assets in the securities of a smaller number of issuers than a diversified fund. As a result, poor results by a single issuer could adversely affect fund results more than if the fund were invested in a larger number of issuers. See the applicable prospectus for details.
All Capital Group trademarks mentioned are owned by The Capital Group Companies, Inc., an affiliated company or fund. All other company and product names mentioned are the property of their respective companies.
©2025 Morningstar, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; and (3) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar, its content providers nor Capital Group are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Information is calculated by Morningstar. Due to differing calculation methods, the figures shown here may differ from those calculated by Capital Group.
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This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.