Portfolio construction

Why dividends matter more than you think

Does your portfolio have enough dividend exposure?

Companies that offer higher dividends and more sustainable dividend growth can provide significant downside protection and help guard against inflation. Yet the Capital Group Portfolio Consulting and Analytics team found that most portfolios showed a minimal increase in higher dividend payers as portfolios became more conservative. Here’s why we think it’s time to take a close look at dividends.

Dividends roadmap

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Average dividend exposure

Limited exposure to dividend payers for income goals versus American Funds Model Portfolios

Equity yield exposure

These charts show equity yield exposure for 2,127 professionally managed portfolios analyzed by the Capital Group Portfolio Consulting and Analytics team from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. The first chart shows that average allocations to higher dividend payers yielding above 0.7% did not substantially increase as portfolios became more conservative; equity yield allocations ranged from 54%–62%. The second chart shows that equity yield exposures for American Funds Model Portfolios increased from 40% to almost 90% as portfolios became more conservative.

The Capital Group Portfolio Consulting and Analytics team analyzed 2,127 portfolios in consultation with financial professionals from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021. During these consultations, portfolio objectives were discussed and aligned to the American Funds Model Portfolio objectives. The American Funds Model Portfolios include a suite of models with objectives ranging from growth and growth & income to income and preservation.

Most income-focused portfolios managed by financial professionals have limited exposure to dividend payers based on our analysis. We suggest rethinking this and recommend increasing dividend allocations for certain client goals. For example, American Funds Model Portfolios have significantly higher allocations to substantial dividend payers in growth & income and income portfolios.

“Capital Group takes a nuanced approach to asset allocation with a recharacterization of both equity and fixed income securities as portfolio objectives change. Shifting to higher dividend payers can have a significant impact on your portfolio, offering potential for better downside capture, increased inflation protection and diversified income sources.”



Portfolio consultant

downside protection

Potential for better downside capture

30-year downside capture* across dividend buckets

This chart shows that higher dividend payers showed significantly more attractive 30-year downside capture versus the S&P 500 Index, according to analysis from Fama and French from 12/31/91 to 11/30/21. Thirty-year downside capture for the top 30% highest yielding dividend payers for the period was 76% relative to the S&P 500 Index, 88% for the middle 40% of dividend payers, 108% for the lowest 30% of dividend payers and 124% for non-dividend payers.

Data based on annual returns from 12/31/1991–11/30/21 for a set of 3,358 companies as of 11/30/21. This universe of companies has varied during the 30-year period. Sources: Dartmouth — Fama/French, Morningstar
* Downside capture ratio measures how a fund fared relative to the index during market declines. A downside capture ratio less than a 100 indicates that a fund lost less than the index for a given period; a ratio greater than 100 indicates the fund lost more than the index.

High-dividend paying stocks have historically offered more downside protection compared to low and non-dividend payers, according to data from Fama and French. Higher dividend payers have shown more attractive 30-year downside capture, losing significantly less than the S&P 500 Index than lower dividend payers. In general, dividends can be a sign of stability for companies, with many firms recently reinstating dividends after dramatically cutting them in 2020.

How well have your funds fared in major market corrections?

“Because [dividend payers] are committed to setting aside some proportion of their earnings for investors, they tend to have better discipline and may be less likely to make some ill-advised acquisition.”



Portfolio manager

Is your portfolio short on dividend payers?


Focus on dividend-oriented funds and models


Insufficient dividend exposure to meet clients’ income and preservation goals.


Consider dividend-focused funds like Washington Mutual Investors Fund (WMIF) and Capital Group U.S. Income and Growth SMA*, as well as model portfolios that allocate to higher dividend payers for specific goals.

*The Capital Group U.S. Income and Growth SMA has a similar strategy to WMIF.

Spotlight on Washington Mutual Investors Fund

Substantial dividend growth

WMIF has seen dividend income increases in 66 out of 68 years.*

Attractive downside capture


  • 5-year: 93%
  • 10-year: 91%
  • 30-year: 79%

Data as of December 31, 2021. Sources: Factset, Morningstar. 
*Based on hypothetical initial investment of $10,000 made on December 31, 1952. Washington Mutual Investors Fund was launched on July 31, 1952. The fund's annual dividend income (excluding special dividends) has increased 66 out of 68 years through 2021.

Washington Mutual Investors Fund

Learn more about WMIF

Portfolio Construction Concepts

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Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other important information is contained in the fund prospectuses and summary prospectuses, which can be obtained from a financial professional and should be read carefully before investing.
Model portfolios are subject to the risks associated with the underlying funds in the model portfolio. Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses of the funds in the model portfolio, which are contained in the fund prospectuses.
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Nondiversified funds have the ability to invest a larger percentage of assets in the securities of a smaller number of issuers than a diversified fund. As a result, poor results by a single issuer could adversely affect fund results more than if the fund invested in a larger number of issuers. See the applicable prospectus for details.
There have been periods when the results lagged the index(es) and/or average(s). The indexes are unmanaged and, therefore, have no expenses. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. Index/Index blends for Capital Group/American Funds Model Portfolios are those that the Portfolio Solutions Committee believes most closely approximate the investment universe of a given model portfolio. The index/index blends do not specifically represent the benchmarks of the underlying funds in the American Funds model portfolio.
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Source: Bloomberg Index Services Limited. BLOOMBERG® is a trademark and service mark of Bloomberg Finance L.P. and its affiliates (collectively "Bloomberg"). Bloomberg or Bloomberg's licensors own all proprietary rights in the Bloomberg Indices. Neither Bloomberg nor Bloomberg's licensors approves or endorses this material, or guarantees the accuracy or completeness of any information herein, or makes any warranty, express or implied, as to the results to be obtained therefrom and, to the maximum extent allowed by law, neither shall have any liability or responsibility for injury or damages arising in connection therewith.
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Capital Client Group, Inc.
This content, developed by Capital Group, home of American Funds, should not be used as a primary basis for investment decisions and is not intended to serve as impartial investment or fiduciary advice.

The S&P 500 Index is a market capitalization-weighted index based on the results of approximately 500 widely held common stocks.

The MSCI All Country World Index is a free float-adjusted market capitalization weighted index that is designed to measure equity market results in the global developed and emerging markets, consisting of more than 40 developed and emerging market country indexes. Results reflect dividends gross of withholding taxes through December 31, 2000, and dividends net of withholding taxes thereafter.

The Bloomberg U.S. Credit Index is a market-value weighted index that tracks the total return results of publicly issued U.S. corporate and specified foreign debentures and secured notes that meet the specified maturity, liquidity and quality requirements. To qualify, bonds must be SEC-registered and must be an investment grade security.

The Bloomberg U.S. Corporate High Yield Index covers the universe of fixed-rate and non-investment-grade debt.