Portfolio Construction

How a disciplined process helped an RIA re-imagine portfolios


For a family-owned registered investment advisor like Bakersfield, California-based Entruity Wealth, portfolio construction can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Researching stock and bond markets, mutual funds and global economic trends, while staying focused on tax impacts and clients’ objectives — it’s a heavy lift.


But by sticking to a consistent, disciplined process, Entruity was able to remake its portfolio strategy, focus more on client financial objectives and free up time to spend with clients.

In its monthly investment committee meetings, Entruity has focused on three key issues: gaining a deeper understanding of manager selection, using vehicle selection to minimize tax implications and ensuring that portfolios stay aligned with customer objectives. Importantly, the team has also shifted away from time-consuming in-house portfolio construction, relying on Capital Group to build portfolios to meet its needs.


“Entruity is only four people in Bakersfield, California,” says Andrew Barnes, the firm’s president and chief investment officer. “But we’ve got the entire foundation and research capability of Capital Group behind us. When we look at our portfolios, there’s a reason why everything is in there, and it’s not just us wanting to match the market.”


Barnes co-founded Entuity Wealth with his father, Bradley, in 2017.  The elder Barnes had spent 43 years in financial services, beginning as a stockbroker at EF Hutton in 1981. The name “Entruity” is a combination of values important to the Barnes family: trust, truth and integrity. 


Drawing from local wealth in the agriculture and oil industries, the two have built their practice into a $125 million RIA (as of 10/31/2024).


In the beginning, a two-person investment committee — Bradley and Andrew Barnes — did it all, running the firm alongside Brad’s wife, Julie, and daughter Laurie. The Barneses did their own research, picked individual stocks, selected bond funds, built their own portfolios. Monthly investment committee meetings went deep into the weeds and lasted four hours or longer. Then came the punishing bond market selloff of 2022. 

Manager selection: A bear market in bonds raises tough questions


“The fixed income market was struggling,” Andrew says. “Clients who think of bonds as safe money were seeing their bond values drop by 20%. We compared Capital Group’s bond funds to what we were using and saw that Capital was doing better. That led us to think, there’s got to be a better way to construct portfolios.”


Entruity viewed fixed income as a way to mitigate risk in the equities market. What they learned, however, is that some bond investors have a different strategy. “Some of the funds we were using were focused on outperforming the aggregate (the Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index), often by taking credit risk,” Andrew says, referring to the possibility of a financial loss resulting from a borrower's failure to repay a loan. “As a result, during the bear market in bonds, our portfolios were hit particularly hard.”


Seeking a deeper understanding of investment philosophy, Entruity initially worked with Casey Dregits and Capital Group’s Portfolio Consulting and Analytics team to revisit the role of fixed income in its portfolios.


“We were looking for a foundation in a choppy market, where we can rely on fixed income not to pull the rug out from under us,” Bradley says. “Our first conversation with Capital Group was around fixed income: How do you think about it? Do you view it as trying to get as much income as possible, or as a balance to equity?”


“We have a very consistent answer to this question,” Dregits says. “Fixed income should play four key roles in a portfolio: diversification from equities, capital preservation, income and inflation protection. In volatile markets, diversification is critical. Your bond portfolio shouldn’t behave like stocks when volatility hits.”

The four key roles of fixed income

Source: Capital Group

Managing tax “surprises”: Leaning into active ETFs


A second area of portfolio focus for Entruity was avoiding what Bradley calls “capital gains surprises,” which can drag down after-tax investment returns for clients. They found a solution in actively managed equity exchange traded funds (ETFs), which can combine the tax efficiency offered by ETFs (ETFs are structured to minimize capital gains distributions) with the selection and flexibility advantages of actively managed funds. This also freed the Barneses from time-consuming analysis of the tax implications of buying and selling individual stocks.


Working closely with Capital Group on active fixed income and equity ETF products impressed upon Entruity the depth of experience and research that goes into successful portfolio construction. “Anyone can build a portfolio — the pieces need to add up to 100%,” Andrew says. “But understanding how the pieces work together to achieve a specific goal, that’s entirely different. It’s part science, it’s part art.”


Entruity then worked with Capital Group to look even deeper at Entruity’s overall portfolio construction strategy and whether it could improve Entruity's ability to tailor portfolios to individual investor goals. 


“We asked ourselves, can we research these markets and come up with better ideas than the Capital Group portfolio managers and analysts? And we concluded no, we probably can’t do that,” Bradley says.


Instead of using existing Capital Group model portfolios, Entruity worked with Dregits to build its own suites of portfolios.


Casey came back with an accumulation suite, income/distribution suites and a tax aware suite as options to consider," Andrew says. “And we’ve just recently built out a cash management service, which is essentially a portfolio geared toward receiving income of cash and cash equivalents.”


The 60% equity/40% fixed income ETF accumulation portfolio Capital Group presented demonstrates how the portfolios can be customized by Entruity. Recognizing that many Entruity clients want exposure to precious metals, 8% of the portfolio is in gold and silver investments. Overall, 63% of the investments are in Capital Group active ETFs and 37% in funds managed by other firms.

Inside a portfolio: One size doesn’t fit all

Entruity Wealth 60/40 CG ETF Sample

Source: Capital Group, for illustrative purposes only


This portfolio is not managed and is not intended to be an investment recommendation. Please talk to your financial professional for information on other investment alternatives that may be available to you. In making investment decisions, investors should consider their other assets, income and investments.

Eye on the ball: Making sure portfolios stay aligned to clients’ objectives


Freed from the burden of constant market monitoring, trading and research, Entruity now views portfolio review through a simpler lens: Is the portfolio still aligned with the investors’ goals?


“We’re not so much trying to make investment decisions, we’re trying to make sure all the portfolios are in alignment with client objectives,” Andrew says. “Every quarter we meet with Casey to ask, are the investments performing as we expect them to?”


“We have an ongoing discussion on a consistent basis, analyzing their portfolios,” Dregits says. “It’s not a one and done. Has anything changed in the market? Has anything changed with your clients? Has anything changed with your view of the markets? Has Capital Group updated our views on how to best achieve investor objectives? It’s a consistent, ongoing conversation to make sure the portfolios align with what Entruity wants for their client base,” Dregits explains.


“We work with literally thousands of advisors on portfolio construction and we find that the best teams have recurring processes in place to review portfolio construction, both internally and directly with their asset manager partners,” Dregits says. “It takes discipline and consistency from the advisor, but we believe it pays off in making sure portfolios remain closely aligned with client objectives.”


For Entruity, working with an asset manager on portfolio construction has multiple benefits. It allows the RIA to rely on Capital Group’s deep research capabilities and decades of experience in investing. That in turn allows Entruity to spend more time with their clients.


Bradley sums it up: “It gives us more time to talk to people, which is what we should be doing.”

Want to take a more flexible, active approach in your client portfolios?


Get an unbiased point of view on portfolios and talk through solutions with trusted partners. Connect to your Capital Group representative or sign up for an in-depth portfolio analysis and review today.


Casey Dregits is a senior portfolio consultant with 22 years of investment industry experience. He holds an MBA as well as bachelor’s degree in political science, history, and Germanic studies from Indiana University. He also holds the Chartered Financial Analyst® designation.


Bradley C. Barnes is Founder and CEO of Entruity Wealth. He has 43 years of financial industry experience. He began his career as an account executive at EF Hutton & Company and has also worked at Lehman Brothers, Smith Barney and Morgan Stanley. He has also served as a trustee and chairman of the board for the Kern County (CA) Employee’s Retirement Association. He is a Certified Financial Planner, with a BS in Finance from USC’s Marshall School of Business.


Andrew C. Barnes is President and Chief Investment Officer of Entruity Wealth. He began his financial career working with his father at Morgan Stanley. At Entruity, Andrew meets with clients, constructs financial plans, executes trades and builds and maintains the firm’s technology. He has a BS in business administration from California State University.

Entruity Wealth is a registered investment advisor that offers Capital Group products to its clients. Capital Group, home of American Funds, did not compensate Entruity Wealth or any of its employees for the comments contained in this material.


Entruity Wealth, LLC is a registered investment adviser. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Entruity Wealth, LLC and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. No advice may be rendered by Entruity Wealth, LLC unless a client service agreement is in place. Entruity Wealth, LLC provides links for your convenience to websites produced by other providers of industry-related material. Accessing websites through links directs you away from our website. Users who gain access to third party websites may be subject to the copyright and other restrictions on use imposed by those providers and assume responsibility and risk from use of those websites. This commentary reflects the personal opinions, viewpoints and analyses of the Entruity Wealth, LLC employees providing such comments and should not be regarded as a description of advisory services provided by Entruity Wealth, LLC or performance returns of any Entruity Wealth, LLC client. Investments in securities involve the risk of loss. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.


Portfolios are subject to the risks associated with the underlying funds in the portfolio. Investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, fees and expenses of the funds in the portfolio, which are contained in the fund prospectuses. Investing outside the United States involves risks, such as currency fluctuations, periods of illiquidity and price volatility. These risks may be heightened in connection with investments in developing countries. Smaller-company stocks entail additional risks, and they can fluctuate in price more than larger company stocks. The return of principal for bond bonds and for funds with significant underlying bond holdings is not guaranteed. Fund shares are subject to the same interest rate, inflation and credit risks associated with the underlying bond holdings. Lower rated bonds are subject to greater fluctuations in value and risk of loss of income and principal than higher rated bonds. The use of derivatives involves a variety of risks, which may be different from, or greater than, the risks associated with investing in traditional securities, such as stocks and bonds. A nondiversified fund has the ability to invest a larger percentage of assets in the securities of a smaller number of issuers than a diversified fund. As a result, poor results by a single issuer could adversely affect fund results more than if the fund were invested in a larger number of issuers. See the applicable prospectus for details.

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