Introduce the retirement plan provider.
For conversions and new plans, we offer a template that plan sponsors can use to welcome employees to the plan.
Things to do:
• Remind plan sponsor to provide employee email addresses for enrollment notifications
• Schedule an enrollment meeting
• Order enrollment guides (optional)
Let employees know when they can enroll.
We can send email notifications to employees when they’re eligible to enroll.
Things to do:
• Remind plan sponsor to provide plan and participant information for eligibility tracking
Conduct an enrollment meeting.
Use your client’s customized educational website to help lead an enrollment meeting.
Things to do:
• Get your client’s educational website address (we’ll send it to you via email or you can call us)
• Review the plan FAQs on the educational website
Enroll online.
Enrollment is fast and easy with our PlanPremier® and RecordkeeperDirect® websites and apps.
Things to do:
• Follow up with employees to answer questions and help boost the enrollment rate
• Collect enrollment forms (if applicable)